Sick Boyfriend, needy cats…what, are we making up for lost time?

Evidently it’s payback for me being on my butt for a few months. Court came back from his conference in New Orleans with THE FLU. Yes, that thing we all think we had until we get it and then we realise no, we’ve had COLDS, but THE FLU…that’s a whole nuther bug altogether.

So…the self professed unsympathetic guy is a flu flu mess and a big fat lump of no good when it comes to taking care of himself. This is actually a good thing for me in that I got out of the house. Seems I can do things when it’s not just for me. We needed ginger ale and chicken noodle soup. So I got some. And I got crickets for the critters. Not the cats. The cats got Science Diet Mature Adult (fogies they are) yet still they hound me. I need more hands…that detach…

Tonight saw pain of a different less frequent kind. My bones hurt…kind of my bones. Whatever it is that hurts (this is not hard pain, just tender ache really), it feels better to lightly press on the bones like my cheekbones or my jawbone. Not my chin. Don’t touch my chin! But I find myself kind of pressing just under my cheekbones and just under my nose and just under my lower lip…and I realised it’s probably right about where the incisions were made. Who knows why they’re particularly talkie tonight. Maybe there was some major pressure drop or rise or…I don’t know. Somethings inside there is just being rather persnickety. Oh well. Still feel a world better than I did before the surgery…or immediatley after it for that matter!

I’m pretty much caught up on rest from the grand total of 10 hours I worked last week. Monday was the worst as far as tired was concerned. I flat out passed out on the chaise…in the middle of Bones! You know I was tired. Tuesday I did much better. Wednesday got me driving around to see what exactly causes this horrible shooting jaw pain…Thursday I went to SF to see ND and foudn out while trying to find a parking spot in her neighborhood that STRESS is the villian. Just add a small dose of stress to my brain and I do something to my jaw that makes it scream. Perhaps I am wiggling it from side to side (which hurts when I try to do it). When I clench it really just involves extering a lot of pressure on my front teeth (not the very front ones but the second to front ones that actualy touch. (Dr. Li says another 2 months before the back teeth get friendly with each other.) So I don’t think it’s the clenching by itself. I think I may clench and wiggle…and just one dose of that flares me into little Wil E Coyote Acme dynamite explosions of Oh Crap.

Of course I had to test my theory. I went to pick up Court from SFO that night and tried to be cool calm and collected as I attempted to navigate the parking garage. I hate the SFO parking garage. Just for the record. I also don’t think the ergo at the parking checkout was addressed as well as it could have been (yes I saw the before and after and they did do a lot, but still…it hurt to watch our checkout person work!). I noticed when I thought I was racing the clock and might get the call from Court before I was at the terminal, my jaw started to hurt. When I realised he wasn’t calling and I was at the airport, I entered the parking structure and decided to meet him at the gate like a good girlfriend picking up her sickly boyfriend (he sounded absolutely pitiful on the phone before his flight). As I got frustrated with signage and felt like I was driving in circles, my jaw started to hurt. I think I’m on to something!

So here’s my conclusion: hard deadlines hurt me. I don’t want them. So there. I don’t make the rules. My jaw does.

2 Responses to “Sick Boyfriend, needy cats…what, are we making up for lost time?”

  1. Jeremy says:

    Hmm, starting to sound a bit like T.N. Does it hurt for breif (

  2. Shelby says:

    Your question didn’t get finished. The pain in my jaw is a bit different from the pain I get in the soft tissue parts of my face. The pain in my jaw actually feels like a deep deep throbbing bone ache. Like something is jammed in the joint. The other pain…the sharp shooting icepick through my chin/lip pain is what I think may be the nerves growing back. What’s your experience?