I believe in the Easter Bunny

Easter Sunday found Court and I doing a whole lotta nuthin’, so when my pal Zan called to take me up on my offer to go for a hike to Water Dog Lake (seriously, that’s the best they could come up with?), I shoed up and we went-a-walking. My face was doing great. The wind doesn’t bug me half as much as it used to, and we were gabbing away when I spotted on the trail…a baby bunny! “Ooh! A Bunny!” I cried with glee. And I bounded towards it. Thing is, it didn’t bound away. It hopped once, and sat there. So very itty bity! I picked it up. His ears looked very small for a jackrabbit, and when I looked under him, he was very dirty…he needed his mommy, but she obviously wasn’t around. He was very dehydrated, so I carried him back home.

Zan and I thought it would be funny to leave the bunny at the front door and ring the doorbell and have Court open it to a baby bunny, but after ringing 3 times, we figured he wasn’t going to answer the door, so we used the key. Oh well. It was funny in our minds. bunny


img_2851.jpgWater via syringe. Yummy.

img_2852.jpgAnya would have a heart attack.

img_2857.jpgI like to sit in my water bowl.

img_2858.jpgI called the Humane Society and they sent a big truck all the way to my house to rescue the little guy. We went down to meet them.

img_2864.jpgElevator ride img_2872.jpgAll this for such a little bunny!

img_2873.jpgDirty bits revealed.img_2875.jpg

aw. Little guy gets handed over to the pros.

img_2876.jpgBunny in a boximg_2878.jpg

Bye Bye Bunny!img_2884.jpgSeparation Anxiety.

The woman from the Humane Society said I had done the right thing. I was afraid I had ruined his life and removed him from his habitat. She said, no, he’s dehyrated and lethargic and needs treatment. She also noted his little ears and said he may be domestic and because of his dirty bits, he definitely needed his mommy still. So I am NOT, I repeat, NOT Shelby Bunny Killer. Thank you Easter Bunny! Bawk! Bawk!

One Response to “I believe in the Easter Bunny”

  1. Kim says:

    Oh, so very cute! Shelby, the Bunny Saver!

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