Gastric Emptying test = eat these eggs we laced with nuclear-ness and lie down on this uncomfy piece of metal and stay here in place for 90 minutes…Don’t move. Readysetgo.
Hooray for it being over. And hooray for my stomach emptying in the right direction (down) and at an acceptable rate. Boo for the cramps when the eggs were ready to leave the house of Shelby, but got the results and I am good to go. Next stop: stuff a scope down my throat and meet my belleh. Git in mah belleh! Luckily the prep for that one is simply not eating or drinking prior. The prep for the other one (the flexible sigmoid-uck-scopy) not as lucky. Very Ucky. good news is: I don’t have to do that prep again (knock on wood) until I’m 50.
So here I am taking my prilosec and prevacid before brushing my teeth (since even that makes me all mmmblah-y) and staying in the non-nausea zone. At least it’s controlled and I’m not gagging all over clients. I do hope my olfactory factory chills the f out soon though. I can not STAND smells…I even think _I_ smell. It’s not so pleasant. I even had to take a couple weeks off of my “carpool” (I give someone a ride home) because I can smell her…and I’ve been giving her rides for a long time so I know this was not a problem before. She doesn’t even smell BAD. She just smells like HER, and that bugs me. Nice. I know I’m going to end up in a bubble. Well, they have ear plugs. I’m sure I will find nose plugs if need be.
Coffee smells good though. My friend Lisa recommended I keep a little tin of coffee beans or grinds nearby to wipe my slate. I think I just might.