I’m going to beach and moon here (now that I pee blood)

I don’t get it.

So…how long has this kidney thing been going on?  Let’s just say for the sake of argument that it has only been really happening for about a week now.

I have pain.

I pass stones.

I still have pain.

I go to the doctor who says I have no stones and pacifies me by ordering a CT scan which shows…what’s that you say?  Stones?  No!  Say it isn’t so!

I pass more stones (really more like sand but who’s arguing?).

I continue to have pain, and go to a new doctor who orders blood and urine tests which, according to PAMF online, were read on the 14th.

The only thing flagged on the CBC said:

  Neutrophil % 54 L (59 74) %

The Urinalysis culture flagged items said:

  Urine Leukocyte Esterase 1+ A (NEG)
Urine Protein Trace A (NEG)

I have no idea what this means.

Meanwhile…over the weekend I felt a little better and then…the stinky pee.  We’ll call it malodorous urine (MU) so it sounds nice and technical.  Now I’ve had this MU before.  A few times actually. And when I go to the doctor’s they all want a sample and then say I’m fine.  Continuing with the MU and no antibiotics has, in the past, resulted in what I like to call Urine in my Blood.  Grossiolo.

Anywho…I called the doc this morning to see if I could hear what those results meant and to let them know about the MU, and her assistant said the test results weren’t back (???but they were online) and since I was having pain still and the MU, the doctor would like another urine test.  Um.  Okay.  So I went…read a book in the waiting room (I understand the labs are busy, but I waited over an hour to pee in a cup), and went home to wait…and wait…but the results still aren’t posted and now…UGH Urine in my Blood.  And pain.  And 99.4 temp (I run really low usually, like 96).

So I called the doc and the on call woman (whom I had woken up at 5 am) said “You should probably make an appointment to see your doctor today.”  Ya think? Except my doc is not in today…but I will call at 7 (only 48 more minutes) and make my appointment and maybe, just maybe, someone will put me on antibiotics AT LAST.

So my question is, why does no one listen to me when I say this has happened many times before?  Do people really lie so much that doctors dismiss everything that comes out of their patients’ mouths?  Why do I have to wait through pain pain pain until I can squeeze some blood out of my bladder before anyone believes me?

The think that pisses me off the most is that I have not been to work in a week and I honestly, except for the pain and discomfort, thought I was faking it.  I thought maybe I had pulled a muscle in my back (which the doctor also entertained) and was a horrible wuss bucket.  I thought I was imagining all my symptoms…geeeeeeze…I’ve been mentally berating myself 24/7.  “If you’re home, you may as well do something useful like clean” and then I’d be tired and in pain and would sleep all day and feel like a big fat slacker.  I felt like I WANTED to be sick…because I didn’t want to go to work…but I didn’t want to go to work because I was feeling HORRIBLE.  I Like work.  I love my job.  I don’t like being in pain and afraid of the next bout of pain…

Okay now I’m just plain rambling.  Thank you oxycodone.  I thought our days were over, but it seems we shall be close again for a spell…but not too long since you like to clog up all my pipes.  40 minutes til the doctor’s office opens!  Grrr….arg.

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