What a difference a day makes…

Do you remember those sexy C&R commercials? Oh boy, I wanted me a fireman. okay anywho…

So yesterday I was guy smiley…until smiling became not my friend and my lips formed an odd attachment to hooks and…well, don’t click on this picture if you don’t want to see extreme ick closeup.

no smilenotice the LACK of smile

So taking the bands on and off is NOT an option since it takes me and my butterfingers at least 10 minutes to try and try again to get every single tooth hooked…and obviously the corners of my mouth are not happy with that game either.

The good news is (and yes, there is always good news) that Operation Birthday Suit is progressing in leaps and bounds (thank you sick diet!) and I am very very close to my OBS goal. I fit into another pair of pants that have been collecting dust since Operation Cake A Day, and I believe I weigh less than my boyfriend. Awesome!!!!

So, have a good evening. Eat something. Chew and revel in the chewiness.

3 Responses to “What a difference a day makes…”

  1. Anne says:

    Is this blood or strawberry cake????

  2. Shelby says:

    Yeah, I WISH it was cake. Nope, it’s icky yucky no kisses for me blood. :( I’m such a whiner.

  3. Laura says:

    I actually hooked up with the carpenter…! I’m trying to find any videos of the old C&R Clothier commercials, any idea where to find a copy?

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