Two steps forward one step back…and then bounce forward again

Can I just say that 3 day weekends and the following short work weeks are awesome? I think I just said it.

Tuesday morning I got a desperate call from my boss…co-worker who was supposed to teach class was not feeling well, was there any way I could teach?  Sure.  Why not.  So, I went in to work and walked straight over to the classroom where I proceeded to talk to over 30 people for 1.5 hours straight.  Good thing I’d stocked up on iced coffee and ice water.  But alas, after class my throat was none so happy.  And then I had to do 3-4 more evaluations in Mission College no less (I hate shuttling around, in all honesty).  Needless to say, I was absolutely thrilled when 6 rolled around and I could stop talking until 7 when we walked down the street to Gin Mon for dinner.

Wednesday morning I woke up with…yes, a sore throat.  It actually woke me up a few times during the night too which was lovely.  I got to work and found out I was getting on the shuttle again midday to Great America, but being as it was my Friday, I wasn’t too concerned.  I stocked up again on iced coffee and water, and plunged in.  At the end of the day I STILL had a sore throat.  I mentioned this to my boss, because I noticed that next week has me teaching again, and I am a little not thrilled about that, but maybe next week will be better.  Best way to find your limits is to test them?  Well, that’s about where I am.

Yesterday (Thursday) I did not talk for over 8 hours.  Not even to the kitties.  And I feel MUCH better.  Lesson learned?  Probably not.  Next weekend is the MMA “reunion” of sorts in Sunnyvale, and what to want to bet I talk a little too much?  What else am I supposed to do?  Peeps from out of state are going to be there!  Must talk…must chat…  Talk to you later!

2 Responses to “Two steps forward one step back…and then bounce forward again”

  1. muki says:

    Hi Shelby:
    I am so excited you will be at the Sunnyvale reunion next weekend. Looking
    forward to meeting you in person!!!!!! Glad you are on the mend in spite of these
    setbacks….bet you are glad to have come thru all that Dr. Li torture. Good work Shelby!!!

  2. Lisa says:

    I know this isn’t much consolation–but I’m miserably sick right now, too. After living Sickness-Free in California for two years, I moved to Utah where I got a cold. That’s what seven nephews do–expose me to more germs than I thought possible.

    Get well soon and visit Utah anytime. I will shield you from nephew cooties. Sundance is great in January…bring a coat and some throat lozenges.

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